Demolition of the old Dining Hall ceiling began Nov. 23, kicking off a project to remake the interior of camp's most used facilities.
Jim Lapish, Dave Phipps and a host of volunteers are working to remake the space-taking care of some functional needs like replacing the HVAC and adding insulation, pouring new concrete floor and straightening out the electric.
Jim Lapish, Dave Phipps and a host of volunteers are working to remake the space-taking care of some functional needs like replacing the HVAC and adding insulation, pouring new concrete floor and straightening out the electric.
Without the drop ceiling, you'll be able to see up to the existing Cathedral ceiling roof line, which they'll finish with tongue and groove wood much like the newer cabins.
Removing the poles and raising the ceiling should make it easier to arrange tables and contain the noise at our busiest times. And once the ceiling and floor are done, the entry door will be moved several feet to the north to put it farther away from the serving area. If you've ever been there when it's busy, you know what a help this will be!
The repairs and improvements are the first phase of a multi-year project to shore up our main camp buildings to be ready for decades of service and ministry. The Dining Hall will also be getting larger, nicer restrooms, and less-visible improvements are coming to the kitchen area, such as relocating the utilities and improving the ventilation. Once that works complete, we're looking forward to rebuilding the Rec Hall as a sturdier, more useful Welcome Center on the same spot.
We would love for you to take part, either as a volunteer or with a contribution. Send all contributions to: Stony Glen Camp
5300 West Loveland Rd.
Madison, OH 44057
Sometimes the camp's e-mail includes great stories, like this one Jim Lapish received from Parma Heights Baptist Church in October:
Thanks so much Jim. We had a great retreat. 9 girls gave their lives to Jesus. 8 of those girls are from the community... It's exciting to see God working in their lives. Our groups are bigger than ever, and we're excited to see what God will continue to do in the coming years. Thanks for all you do.
What a precious season of our lives the past six months has been! It is an unexpected blessing to have our older children living in nearby Painesville for a time, and all the fun that entails-special dinners, doing ministry together, drop-in visits, and overnights for the younger children! Several family milestones have occurred in recent months.
Not only has Sam gotten his driver's license, but we have some other exciting news to share! Our daughter Olivia, and Steve McCormick will be having a winter wonderland candlelight wedding in the camp chapel in mid-December! In addition, at the end of December we expect to meet our first grand baby-a granddaughter to be precise-Elia Gabrielle Wilhelm! How great our joy! It is truly a joyous season fro the Lapish family! But none of these joyous events exceeds our one true JOY in the world and to the world...Jesus. It is Jesus whom we celebrate EVERY season. May you be wrapped in His joy unspeakable as you celebrate this Christmas season with family and friends.
Jim & Marisa
Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5&6
We are continuously reminded that we need to trust in the Lord more than ever in every situation, man will fail us but Jesus never.
It's hard to believe that fall is already here and winter just around the corner. We will continue to rejoice and be glad in it because after all we live in Ohio!
We were able to enjoy a few vacations this past spring and summer and we truly had a wonderful time being with family and friends and just being able to relax from the normal fast paced days.
David continues to work on, well, you name it and he's worked on it! Many projects have been completed or are almost there, thanks to those who have been willing to gibe David a helping hand. David continues to be busy with not just maintaining the camp but also greeting the campers and helping out in the kithing to name a few. The Lord continues to stretch David and make him get out of his boat and share with groups of people about life and what Jesus has and is doing in his life. Continue to pray Prov. 3:5&6 for David.
Tiffany is now busier than ever with running the kids to and from school, taking them to swimming lessons, volunteering at each of the kid's schools once a month and still working in the camp office a couple times a month. She does make some time for herself though and wouldn't trade her days for anything. As they say, this too shall pass.
Coleton started Kindergarten this past August and is really doing well. He loves to do homework and even wants mom to make up homework for him when he doesn't have any. Mmm...we may need to remind him of this later on. Pray for Coleton as for him change is really hard so going to a new school, moving into a different Sunday school class and moving up in to a new swimming class has been very hard for him. We as is parents try to continually encourage him and help him to understand that change is a part of life and yet there is one person who will never change, and that's God.
Hallie also started a new school this year and is going to Pre-K four days a week. She loves it and really has had no problem with everything "new" in her life. Hallie also loves to do homework but not her homework; she wants to do Coleton's homework!
Brenna is trying to keep up with her brother and sister. At first she couldn't understand where Coleton and Hallie were going and why she wasn't going too. Now she thinks when she and mommy go to the "Y" that it's her school and she is going to her class. She loves it. We did have a concern about Brenna not talking like she should be but now that she has given up"bebe" (pacifier) she is much more verbal.
We pray you enjoyed our update and that you will continue to uphold us in your prayers. God bless you all!
Dave & Tiffany
Christian Service Brigade
June 13-July 14
Cedarbrook Camp
July 14-August 14
Liberty Bible Deaf Camp
August 15-August 20